12 Annual AESP-NEEC Conference

The Association of Energy Services Professionals (AESP) and the Northeast Energy Efficiency Council (NEEC) held their thirteenth annual joint conference on October 2, 2012.

Conference Agenda

8:30 AM

Opening Remarks

Bill Norton
President, AESP Northeast Chapter
Partner, Vice President, Opinion Dynamics Corporations

Steve Cowell
President, Northeast Energy Efficiency Council;
Chairman, Conservation Services Group

8:45 AM

Policy Innovations to Support Efficiency Implementation 

As states pursue increasingly aggressive energy savings goals, policies are evolving to enable innovative ways of reaching customers, remove participation barriers, and spur complementary approaches to harnessing efficiency as a resource. In this panel discussion we will hear about Connecticut’s new financing options for commercial and industrial customers, efforts in Massachusetts to better understand and target various market segments, including “hard to reach” customers, and Rhode Island’s efforts to develop innovative policies that support program implementation.

Moderator: Natalie Hildt, Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships

Jessica Bailey, Director, Commercial PACE Program
Connecticut Clean Energy Finance and Investement Authority
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Christopher Kearns, Program Service Manager,
Rhode Island Office of Energy Resources
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Tilak Subrahmanian, Director of Energy Efficiency
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10:00 AM – Break

10:30 AM

Which Emerging Technologies are Broadening Efficiency Programs?

While Program Administrators seek to deliver ever more savings, significant energy savings have been realized, end use markets are saturating with efficient technologies, and more aggressive codes and standards are increasing efficiency baselines. Innovators and entrepreneurs are constantly working to develop new, more efficient technologies and efforts have been made to bring these emerging technologies to market and incorporate them into DSM program offerings. This session will examine ongoing efforts in Massachusetts and California to remove the information barrier that exists with emerging technologies and facilitate the adoption of these technologies by Program Administrators.

Moderator: Matt Dugan, ICF International

Brian McCowan, Senior Vice President of Technology & Development,
Energy & Resource Solutions
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Hale Powell, Facilitator,
Massachusetts Technology Assessment Center
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Mary Sutter, Vice President of Energy Evaluation,
Opinion Dynamics Corporation
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12:00 PM – Lunch

1:30 PM

Innovation in Information Access and Technology

Nowhere is innovation moving more rapidly than in information access and technology. From the “Green Button” initiative to hack-a-thons to new technology platforms for residential and commercial customers, innovations are enabling service providers to reach more customers and reduce the cost of service delivery. Four speakers will describe the most recent developments and discuss the forces that will drive further innovation.

Moderator: Joshua Sklarsky, Peregrine Energy Group

Eric Graham, Director of EE Financing and Labs,
Next Step Living
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Laura Humphrey, Associate,
ICF International

Richard Huntley, Vice President,
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Harvey Michaels, Energy Efficiency Scientist and Lecturer,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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3:00 PM


Conference attendees are invited to gather for beverages, light refreshments, and conversation.