2024 Energy Efficiency Jobs in America Report

America’s Energy Efficiency Relies on 2.3 Million Americans and Counting

The EE sector employs more than twice as many workers as the entire fossil fuel industry.  This statistic highlights the critical role that workers play in the shift to cleaner energy and greater efficiency in our homes, businesses, and communities. This is great news because the EE workforce mainly consists of young and middle-aged workers—those who can see us through this transition!

This year’s report confirms that energy efficiency remains the largest sector of the U.S. clean energy workforce, with nearly 2.3 million Americans working in the industry. 

Explore the Report by State

The report looks at overall workforce growth, local impacts, diversity, and the policies that will shape the future of our industry. It includes details and data for all 50 states and the District of Columbia including demographics, breakouts by type of work, and more.