15th Annual AESP – NEEC Conference
The Association of Energy Services Professionals (AESP) and the Northeast Energy Efficiency Council (NEEC) held their fourteenth annual joint conference on September 30, 2015 in Framingham, MA.
Conference Agenda
8:30 AM
Opening Remarks
Bill Norton
President, AESP Northeast Chapter
President and Chief Operating Officer, Opinion Dynamics
Steve Cowell
President, Northeast Energy Efficiency Council
Executive Director, E4The Future
9:00 – 9:45 AM
Keynote Address: Judith Judson, Commissioner of the MA Department of Energy Resources
Commissioner Judson will discuss the Baker administration’s energy initiatives, its perspectives on energy efficiency and how industry and regulators can work to move the state and region forward toward their clean energy goals.
9:45 – 10:15 AM
The Impact of the Green Communities Act on the Energy Efficiency Industry in Massachusetts
Peregrine Energy Group and the Northeast Energy Efficiency Council are developing a report that explores the impact of the Green Communities Acts on the Massachusetts energy efficiency industry. Looking through the lens of the companies that make up that industry, the report addresses two questions: how has the industry changed since 2008, when the Act was passed, and what does the industry look like today?
Marlana Patton, Director of Communications, Peregrine Energy Group
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10:15 AM – 10:45 AM – Break
10:45 AM – 11:45 AM
New York REVs the Electric Industry
New York State has embarked on an ambitious initiative to reform the state’s energy industry and regulatory models. The hope is that this effort will lead to regulatory changes that promote more efficient use of energy, deeper penetration of renewable and distributed energy resources, promote greater use of advanced energy management products and empower customers by allowing them more choice in how they manage and consume electric energy. These truly are lofty goals, but with increased focus on demand management, renewables, and distributed energy, what are the implications for energy efficiency? What steps are being taken to ensure a balanced approach to meeting the policy objects of REV?
Moderator: Adam Burke, Opinion Dynamics
Steve Mysholowsky, Section Manager, Con Edison
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Dan Zaweski, Manager-Planning and Evaluation, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, PSEG Long Island
11:45 AM – 1:00 PM – Networking Lunch
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM
Increasing Business Customer Engagement
In recent years, the industry has placed tremendous focus on the engagement of residential utility customers in driving demand for efficiency programs and increasing customer satisfaction. However, business customers also play a critical role in the success of energy efficiency programs, and engagement of these customers is a key priority for program administrators. Session panelists will showcase different approaches for engaging this important, but often hard-to-reach segment. Efforts to engage customers will be discussed, including initiatives focused on showcasing and leveraging business leadership from the region.
Moderator: Laura Orfanedes, Fiveworx
Lisa Cascio, Public Relations Manager, Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships (NEEP)
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Geoffrey Phillips, Customer Engagement Supervisor, Eversource
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2:00 PM – 2:15 PM – Break
2:15 PM – 3:15 PM
EPA’s 111(d) Clean Power Plan Could Increase Efficiency Impacts, Net Benefits and Total Value
The release of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Clean Power Plan proposal starts the clock on what will be a multi-year process of review, analysis, planning, and implementation for states, affected sources, and other stakeholders. Depending on the outcome of this process and the methods by which states choose to comply, nationwide annual expenditures on utility energy efficiency programs could increase threefold, and the net electric system benefits from these programs could increase approximately 15 percent by 2030 solely due to their compliance value. These benefits would not only reduce the total cost of compliance but also reduce power prices. Inclusion of efficiency in Clean Power Plan compliance would make efficiency programs more cost effective and increase efficiency’s risk management value to utilities.
This panel will examine these implications and discuss the background and timeline of EPA’s Clean Power Plan, building blocks to the best system of emission reduction (BSER), quantifying the value of energy efficiency as a compliance mechanism, and evaluation of the requirement by utilities in the northeast and their perceived role and plans for involvement in compliance.
Moderator: Matt Dugan, ICF International
Matt Gibbs, Director Energy Efficiency (Connecticut), Eversource
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Chris MacCracken, Vice President ICF Energy Advisory & Solutions Group
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Sandy Taft, Director, Environmental and Sustainability Policy, National Grid
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3:15 PM – 3:30 PM – Wrap-up and Adjourn
Conference attendees are invited to gather for beverages, light refreshments, and conversation.